
Hello! My name is Leo, a software developer passionate about games involving numbers, logic, and intelligence, such as Sudoku and 2048. I am the founder of the website play-2048.com.

While exploring various online versions of the game 2048, I noticed that many sites lacked appealing features like leaderboards or intriguing variations of 2048, such as x-tile and cupcake. This motivated me to create a more complete version of 2048, integrating unique features to enhance the player’s experience.

I hope that all 2048 enthusiasts out there, whether young or old, beginners or experts, will find joy in my games. If you have any suggestions to improve the website or if you discover any bugs, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at particle4dev@gmail.com.

Wishing you all enjoyable and fun experiences,
Leo Hoang

Leo Hoang